Product Design Solution
Product Design Solution

HR Management System for Orion Innovation


Orion Innovation is an outsourcing company working with different clients over the world. The company identified the problem that the internal HR Management System was old fashioned, and no one was using it, nor HRs or employees.

The goal of this particular project was to create an organized system which will fill HR and employees' needs and the user will want to use it for work.

My role

Lead Product Designer in a team of 3 Designers

User Research, Visual design, Prototyping & Leading Our Team

April 2022 - Ongoing

Team of three

I've joined Orion innovation as a Product Designer 2 years ago in a company of over 70 engineers, I support design across every aspect of our business and am responsible for leading UX and UI across different projects.

In HR Managements Project project were participating two more Designers, were responsible for UI and Style-guide creation.

The Process

The process for this project was based on 4 days design sprint which includes next few levels:

Design Sprint
Design Sprint

Understanding the problem

During the initial interview with the company representative and potential users the next things were defined:

  1. The main issue: the old system was not working properly and wasn’t solving the main problem of managing new and old employees, it didn't have a correct onboarding process, planning the calls, making reviews, reports and much more...

  2. The client vision was to improve the quality of work for HR and Mentors

  3. Create an innovative platform, with the trend going design

  4. Improve the quality of work, provide the possibility to lead the progress, make notes and give the possibility to plan the work with new employees

Mapping and Information Gathering

After collecting the recordings from the user interviews, we conducted mapping to define the pains, risks, and main needs and we were able to prioritize and narrow the main features we want to see in the software.

User research
User research
Product Design Solution
Product Design Solution

Wireframing and User Interface

of Solution

We have presented wireframes and conducted usability testing sessions with our primary users to validate whether the new designs would solve their problems. During the session, we observed how users interacted with the prototype and set up the Audience. The Usability testing session revealed that the new software was easier to understand, and users enjoyed UI. It was easier for the user to identify how to fill in the data and how to navigate the software.

HR Management page
HR Management page
Main page
Side Menu
Product Design Solution
Product Design Solution

More free space, and an easy-to-use menu can provide extra space for smaller screens. Easy-to-understand icons allow the user to navigate even when in default mode.

With the planner you can navigate in the calendar, review your work plans, and see reminders and see the absence/holidays for the employees.



The redesign of the Orion HR Management System has had a positive impact on the main audience, at the time of writing app was tested on Orion Innovation HR and other employees. On the day of writing this post app is tested in beta version.

  • We got positive review from the HR and other Employees during the user testing

  • During the interview, we got feedback that HR Specialists love to use this software

  • Positive feedback from upper Management

  • Users loved clear navigation and UI which is a big change compared to old software

Team Members


Lead Product Designer



UX/UI Designer



UX/UI Designer
